+61 08 6230 2611

Financial Management and Project Investment Analysis
The perfect set of financial skills in just 2 days... for technical and operational people
in Industry, Construction, Transport, Oil and Gas, Mining & Resources
How to create simple, yet powerful financial justifications - for all capital projects & operational budgets
The FMPIA Seminar

Financial Management & Project Investment Analysis
This powerful 2 day seminar will de-mystify the jargon and give you awareness, knowledge and skills to drive business excellence and career growth. Available in-house or as a public event twice yearly in both Perth & Brisbane.
This course will:
Help you to increase efficiencies on site through smarter cost control, both Capex and Opex
Improve your ability to present better Budgets, Business Cases, Capital Expense Requests
Enable better communication between technical, operational, financial & managerial people
Enhance your career and change your life - with increased financial awareness and ability
Provide knowledge and tools compare lease vs buy, NPV, IRR and much, much more…
FMPIA - The ever popular and highly acclaimed Financial Management course
Widely acclaimed as one of the worlds most successful, highly informative and longest running seminars, in project finance.
FMPIA is open to delegates from Government, Utilities, Resources, Oil and Gas, Manufacturing, Logistics and Industry.
Learning methods are engaging, entertaining and refreshing - through a combination of:
Case studies
Collaboration and group projects
All chapters and content includes case studies, tutorials and participant exercises. The use of software tools and formulae are taught and software is provided to all attendees at the event.
Pre-requisites and participant requirements: There are no pre-requisites or prior learning required for this workshop. All work books, online resources, software and lecture notes are provided.
Benefits of Attending Include:
Improve the ability to maximise capital utilization, meet budgets, identify cost reduction opportunities and improve efficiencies.
Have the knowledge and skills to better present CER’s, benefit analysis, expenditure justifications and business case supporting documentation
More effective communication between technical, financial and managerial staff – the jargon de mystified.
Effectively account for and work with the influence or impact of varying KPI’s in different departments.
Rank project proposals utilising discounted cash flow techniques including NPV, IRR, Breakeven and Payback.
Select between lower capex and higher opex or higher capex and lower opex ways of providing services. And how to reduce or optimise both.
Decide when to replace or rebuild equipment and be able to compare “buy verses lease”.
Plan and manage expenditure around the utilization and optimization of personnel.
Apply responsible budget and costing parameters to non–revenue projects such as environmental and safety.
Learn how to conduct spread sheet functions including; NPV, IRR, DCF, depreciation, amortisation and sensitivity and risk analysis. (Software is given to all participants).
Understanding and applying Capex and Opex budgeting procedures and reporting guidelines.
Receive the knowledge to be able to meaningfully improve personal financial management and apply these skills to your own personal financial affairs – including investment, housing, property, shares and superannuation.