+61 08 6230 2611
Seminars & In-House/Onsite Courses
Tecoa offers a range of courses including the popular and highly acclaimed 2-day FMPIA - Financial Management and Project Investment Analysis Course.
As well as in-house/onsite versions of our courses, the FMPIA course is conducted as a public event twice yearly in both Perth & Brisbane. See next public seminar for details.
Ask about our discount packages for two or more courses run back to back or 4-5 day packages of any combination of our course range for your teams, grads or trainees.

FMPIA - Financial Management & Project Investment Analysis - 2 Day
Our Key Course - This powerful 2 day seminar will de-mystify the jargon and give you awareness, knowledge and skills to drive business excellence and career growth. Available in-house or as a public event twice yearly.

AFM- Advanced Financial Management Masterclass - 1 Day
The advanced 1-day follow-on…to the popular "Financial Management and Project Investment Analysis” (FMPIA) course. Please note: FMPIA above is the pre-requisite for this course.
In this workshop we put it all together, apply the skills learned and create strong business cases for all capital expenditure, and learn how to present and your case and measuring its performance.

MM- Money Matters - 1 Day
It’s not how much we earn but what we do with it that counts!
An extraordinary workshop about MONEY – Specifically for Australian working people.
At the end of this workshop you can expect to be able to: manage your money more effectively, reduce debt more rapidly, invest with more certainty, avoid scams and rip offs, get better value from your superannuation and understand how to become financially secure earlier. You will also be better equipped when buying cars, houses, property, shares and other investment options. You will also know how to identify and select appropriate financial advice.

CAPWI - Communicating & Presenting with Influence - 2 Day
The Communicating and Presenting with Influence – tailored for mining people is no ordinary workshop! It is an intense session dealing with energy, psychology and engagement in workplace relationships. This activity based event helps people focus better, get on better, work better and achieve more in work and in life. It is designed to enable you to communicate with respect, impact and authority, any time to any one at any level – substantially increasing your career prospects and job fulfilment.
Mining and resources staff need confidence and clarity – in both conversations or presentations. The course teaches how to “cut through the clutter” to make your communication concise, easy to understand and easy to remember. This version now includes extra content emphasising issues facing safety teams, like connectivity, accountability, team dynamics and selling difficult messages.

SYM - Sharpen Your Mind - 1 Day
This exceptional workshop has become a popular component of staff development programs in both private companies and public sector agencies throughout Australia. It teaches how to develop incredible memory, focus and mental discipline.
Increase workplace performance, enhance personal mental health and substantially reduce stress, anxiety and fatigue.
This is achieved through a quick and simple technique to control and focus the mind, which anyone can master.